Portland Organizing

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TIF Illumination Project Lead Organizer Tom Tresser was engaged by Unite Oregon to craft a two-day training event called “Public Money 101” that is designed for community members to become experts on the Portland city budget, and especially to interogate how Tax Increment Financing Districts are being used there and how new ones that are being proposed are to be used. This is a master-class series of trainings designed to asnswer the questions (1) “Who plans what for who around here and who profits FROM those plans?” and (2) “What do WE THE PEOPLE mean by “community development?”

Here’s how the workshop is described:
Join us on Thursday, October 3rd and Friday, October 4th from 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM at Meyer Memorial Trust to learn how public dollars are allocated to private concerns and how you can influence spending to better serve our collective needs! Improve your advocacy and community engagement by gaining a deeper understanding of how Portland’s city budget and programs operate.

This interactive two-day workshop brings together a diverse group of advocates, planners, and professionals to:

  • Demystify the city’s budgeting process and financial structures
  • Evaluate the impacts of governance changes on community needs
  • Develop skills to confidently articulate budget and program information
  • Empower residents to participate in shaping responsive policies

Knowledge is power when it comes to navigating and influencing public resources. Join us to strengthen your ability to advocate for your community’s priorities. Plus, there’s an afterparty!”

The lead organizer for Unite Oregon is Amanda Pham Haines, the Anti-Displacement PDX Coalition Director andUnite Oregon Housing Justice Manager. Contact us at tom at tresser dot com